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Emergency Dentist — Weyauwega WI

Timely Treatment When You Need It Most

Patient listening to emergency dentist in Weyauwega

Although many patients seem to think visiting the emergency room for a dental injury is the best course of action, the truth is that most ERs lack the necessary facilities, equipment, and staff to provide the level of comprehensive care needed for these patients. They’re only capable of distributing antibiotics and pain medication. While these can help temporarily, they do not address the underlying issue – something only an emergency dentist in Weyauwega can. Dr. William Twohig and his team of professionals are here to deliver timely care to those suffering from dental emergencies. If you believe you are at risk for serious injury, call us today.

Why Choose Dr. William Twohig for Emergency Dentistry?

  • Dentist with More Than 40 Years of Experience
  • Compassionate & Caring Dental Team
  • Dental Insurance Welcome & Financing Available

How We Treat Dental Emergencies?

Patient listening to dentist in Weyauwega

Should you experience a dental emergency in Weyauwega, you can expect the process to be as follows:

  • Schedule an appointment – Contact our dental office as soon as you can to alert us to your situation. Based on the severity of your issue, we’ll work to get you in as quickly as we can.
  • Emergency exam – Once you reach our office, Dr. Twohig and our team will complete a thorough examination of your mouth before taking the necessary digital images to determine the severity of the problem. We’ll also address any immediate pain you might be experiencing.
  • Review findings – Twohig will go over his findings to determine the type(s) of treatment to offer. He will work closely with you to identify a plan that matches your needs and desires, and you’ll be informed of the price and how long the treatment will take before anything begins.

Get the care you need – Once the treatment plan is agreed upon, we’ll work quickly to address the underlying problem and get your oral health back on track.

The Most Common Dental Emergencies

It is not uncommon to see an emergency dentist for many of the most common oral injuries. Unless you are bleeding excessively, dealing with swelling that is affecting your breathing, or suffering from a broken or fractured jaw, you do not need to worry about visiting the ER. Instead, allow our team to take care of your emergency oral healthcare needs.

Understanding the Cost of Emergency Dentistry

The cost of emergency dentistry in Weyauwega

The cost of emergency dentistry in Weyauwega cannot be determined until you schedule an appointment to meet with Dr. Twohig. A thorough examination of your smile must be completed before we can attempt to give you a clear estimate as to how much your treatment will cost. Once we identify which services will be necessary to repair the damage, we can sit down and discuss how your insurance will affect the cost as well as if you will be required to pay out of pocket for any expenses. Should you have any questions, you’re always welcome to contact our office.

Every Dental Emergency is Different

Patient talking to her dentist in Weyauwega

A dental emergency requires an unexpected visit to the dentist’s office. Because this is not routine, it will not fall under the category of preventive treatment. However, don’t assume that you will pay the same as someone else. Your injury or damage is likely to be vastly different than another person’s, which is why there are factors that your emergency dentist in Weyauwega must consider before establishing an estimate, such as:

  • Location of Dentist’s Office: Dentists located within larger cities will often need to charge more because of the cost of living and operational space.
  • Dental Insurance: Most dental insurance companies will agree to pay for one emergency exam each year. However, the real determination is how much they will cover for the restorative treatment you require.
  • Restorative Treatment: No two services are the same price, so based on the proposed treatment plan, your insurance will likely cover anywhere from 50-80% of the cost.

Does Dental Insurance Cover Dental Emergencies?

Mouth holding money in Weyauwega

When it comes to dental emergencies, your insurance will evaluate the treatment plan explanation provided by our dental office. Based on the recommended services to be rendered, they will pay a portion of the cost. This is largely determined by your deductible and available annual maximum. If you’ve met your deductible, you can expect your insurer to pay more for the care you receive.

Other Options for Making Dental Emergencies Affordable

Man with mouth pain in Weyauwega

Because not all of our patients have dental insurance, there is always the option to apply for flexible financing through CareCredit or Lending Club. The choice is yours, but what makes these programs so great is that there are no surprise fees! Instead, you can enroll in a low- or no-interest payment plan that allows you to spread out the cost of your care across several months, making it easier to stay within your budget.

Taking Care of Your Smile Can Save You Money

Patient listening to dentist in Weyauwega

It’s always best to avoid dental injuries; however, that is not always possible. But you can take proper steps to reduce your chances of serious infection or damage. With regular brushing, flossing, and rinsing, as well as visits to the dentist every six months, you can easily reduce your chances of developing cavities, gum disease, and other infections. But should you discover a problem along the way, seeking treatment as soon as possible will minimize the risk of more serious issues that requires timely treatments and costly care.

Keys to Preventing Dental Emergencies

Woman brushing teeth to prevent dental emergencies in Weyauwega

Learning how to prevent dental emergencies in Weyauwega doesn’t have to be hard. All it takes is spending some time learning about the various steps you can take to minimize the risk of infection and damage that can easily occur within your smile. Although you can replace your teeth should they become damaged or decayed, it’s always best to maintain your healthy, regular teeth for as long as possible. Check out the different ways you can ensure the longevity of your smile.

Keep Your Regular Dental Appointments

Woman during dental checkup in Weyauwega

If you want to be more proactive about your oral health, it’s best to keep your dental appointments twice each year. Every six months, plan to see your dentists for a regular checkup and cleaning. These visits allow for greater protection against decay, disease, and infection. Not to mention, Dr. Twohig and our team can provide safe and effective tips and tricks to help you better manage your oral health at home in between appointments.

Keep Brushing and Flossing

Woman brushing teeth in Weyauwega

Good oral habits should start early in life. In doing so, you can lower your risk of cavities and periodontal disease as well as work to strengthen your tooth enamel. By brushing and flossing regularly (twice a day), you can reduce your chances of suffering from tooth decay as well as inflamed and bleeding gums. This prevents restorative treatment such as fillings, crowns, and even root canal therapy or tooth extractions from being necessary.

Be Mindful What You Eat

Woman eating healthy in Weyauwega

If you want to stay out of the emergency dental office in Weyauwega, make sure you’re eating healthy foods. Sugars and starches may sound tasty, but they’ll not only leave you feeling hungrier, but you’ll expand your waistband and worsen your risk for serious dental problems. Exchanging these for healthier alternatives such as leafy greens, lean proteins, fruits and vegetables, and low-fat dairy will allow you to improve the status of your oral health while maintaining a more beautiful appearance.

Wear a Mouthguard to Protect Your Teeth

A mouthguard in Weyauwega

Whether you enjoy contact sports or you suffer from bruxism while sleeping, a customized mouthguard is a highly effective tool. A sudden blow to the mouth or continuous teeth grinding can damage smiles in ways that require extensive restorative treatment. Not only can this be costly, but it can also take up much of your time, which can be difficult when dealing with work and other important obligations and responsibilities. With a mouthguard, you can safeguard your pearly whites and soft oral tissues from serious damage.

Use Tools to Open Packages, Not Your Teeth

Woman smiling in Weyauwega

It may be tempting to just open that small package with your teeth, but what you may not realize is that your pearly whites are meant to chew and tear through food, nothing else. Packages and containers might seem harmless; however, the truth is that with each bite, a bit more enamel can get chipped away. Over time, this will break down your teeth and require you to go in to see a dentist.

Dental Emergency FAQ's

How Should I Sleep with Tooth Pain?

To sleep better with tooth pain, keep your head elevated to prevent blood from rushing to your head, which can intensify the pain. Taking over-the-counter medication can help manage discomfort. Avoid acidic, cold, or hard foods before bed, as these can aggravate the pain. Applying a cold compress to the affected area can also help dull the discomfort, making it easier to fall asleep. If the pain persists, make sure to contact your dentist for further advice and treatment.

Can the Emergency Room Remove a Tooth?

No, the emergency room cannot remove a tooth as only licensed dentists can legally perform tooth extractions. In a hospital, the best they can do is provide antibiotics and pain medication, which won't address the underlying cause of your toothache. A tooth extraction may not even be necessary – treatments like root canal therapy can alleviate discomfort and save the tooth. To determine the appropriate treatment, you need to visit a dentist. If you're experiencing severe dental pain, contact your dentist for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan.

Do I Need to Visit for Minor Chips to the Teeth?

Yes, you should visit a dentist for minor chips in your teeth. Teeth do not heal on their own when chipped, fractured, or broken, and without treatment, the damage can worsen. A dentist can provide various solutions depending on the severity of the chip. It's especially important to seek treatment if the chipped tooth has sharp or jagged edges, as this can lead to cuts on your gums or oral tissues. Visiting a dentist promptly will help prevent further damage and ensure your oral health is maintained.

Are Toothpicks Safe to Use?

Toothpicks, especially wooden ones, are not particularly safe to use. They can easily damage your enamel and gum tissue and may splinter and break off inside your mouth. Additionally, toothpicks can push food debris further between teeth or under the gum line, worsening the problem. There’s also the risk of swallowing a toothpick, which can be deadly. Therefore, using a toothpick should be a last resort. For safer and more effective cleaning between teeth, consider using dental floss or interdental brushes instead.

What Does Chronic Bad Breath Mean?

Also known as halitosis, chronic bad breath differs from temporary bad breath caused by morning breath or certain foods. It usually indicates an underlying issue that breath mints or basic oral hygiene cannot resolve. Some causes may include smoking, cavities, gum disease, or dental infections. If bad breath persists for more than a few days, it’s important to consult a dentist. Persistent halitosis can be a sign of significant dental or health problems that need professional evaluation and treatment.