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Preparing for a Sleep Test: What You Need to Know

November 1, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drtwohig @ 10:04 pm
a tired woman lying in bed attempting to sleep

Think you may be living with sleep apnea in Weyauwega? While this may not be a welcomed reality, trust that you are not alone. Millions of people suffer from this common condition, many of whom do not realize they need treatment until their symptoms worsen. Fortunately, a dentist can be your biggest ally by recognizing early signs and recommending necessary steps you can take to treat the problem, one of which is a sleep study. Read on to find out what you can expect if your dentist suggests you undergo a formal sleep test.

Upcoming Sleep Study: What You Can Expect

If you or your dentist believe you are suffering from symptoms associated with apnea, a sleep study will help medical professionals determine if you should receive a formal diagnosis. There is no pain involved with this type of test, but you may find it a bit uncomfortable having to wear numerous wires while you sleep.

It is common for sleep studies to be conducted in a specialized center where technicians will monitor your sleep patterns. The average sleep test takes about 12 hours, as this is the appropriate amount of time to not only get you hooked up to the monitors but also allow for enough data to be accumulated. Everything from your heart rate to your oxygen levels will be tracked, giving doctor’s a clear view of whether you suffer from sleep apnea.

Ways to Prepare for Your Sleep Study

Every doctor is different, so how you prepare may vary from someone else’s experience. However, it is not uncommon that you be asked to keep a sleep diary before your test to help in tracking your normal patterns. Noting the time you go to bed as well as when you wake up and any interruptions throughout the night can be helpful to medical professionals when analyzing the data.

You should also inform your doctor about any medications you are taking, as they may recommend that you stop before your study to ensure the most accurate results are achieved.

Since you will be required to visit a sleep center for the study, you should consider packing any necessary toiletries, pajamas, and clothing. If you require special materials to make sure you are comfortable (i.e. pillow, blanket), you’ll want to bring those with you as well.

It’s also best if you:

  • Avoid caffeine after a certain time the day you arrive for your sleep study.
  • Avoid drinking any alcohol on this day.
  • Avoid napping throughout the day to ensure you can properly rest that night.
  • Eat a normal dinner before going to the sleep center.

Should you find that your doctor provides at-home sleep studies, you can expect to receive a detailed list of instructions that will provide you with the information you need to prepare for your test. By taking the appropriate steps ahead of time, you can be sure that the results from your study will give the professionals what they need to help you take back your sleep and your overall health.

About the Author
Caring about the overall well-being of his patients, Dr. William Twohig is dedicated to helping you overcome your sleep apnea problem. Dedicating the last 20 of his 40 years of practicing dentistry and searching for alternative methods to offer his patients, he has worked with specialists to find a way to help people get the sleep they need without the use of a CPAP machine. If you suspect you are experiencing symptoms closely associated with obstructive sleep apnea, visit our website or call (920) 867-3101.

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