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More Than Just Your Teeth: Why Good Gum Health is Important

April 4, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — drtwohig @ 1:46 pm
a young woman sitting in the dentist’s chair and waiting to undergo a regular dental checkup and cleaning

When looking at your smile, you might think your teeth are the only components that can help or hinder your appearance. The reality is that your gums play just as much of a role. If these soft tissues become victim to bad bacteria and infection, your mouth and body can be at risk for serious health problems. A dentist in Weyauwega is here to explain why it’s necessary to pay attention to your gums and what you can do to minimize the potential for gum disease.

The Purpose of Your Gums

Your gums, which are also known as gingiva, are the soft tissues that surround your teeth and adhere to the bone. When eating or consuming beverages, they work to protect the non-visible portions of your teeth, including the root. They also help to keep your teeth in line once they erupt.

The Dangers of Gum Disease

It is normal for gums to appear pink and “fleshy.” They should also fit snugly against your teeth. However, should you notice that these soft tissues look red or swollen, you are likely experiencing the first stage of gum disease known as gingivitis. It is not surprising that your gums may also bleed during this time when brushing or flossing, but the good news is you can reverse the symptoms by practicing good oral habits at home and seeking professional cleanings regularly. Unfortunately, if allowed to progress, the symptoms will worsen and cause your teeth to become loose and your bone to deteriorate over time. As a result, you can be left with missing teeth.

Your Gums and Your Health

But it’s not just your mouth that can suffer the consequences of gum disease. Should infection and inflammation enter your bloodstream, you can be faced with a host of potential health problems. The infection can travel to various parts of your body, including your brain, gut, heart, kidneys, liver, and lungs.

According to researchers, gum disease is commonly linked to diabetes, cardiovascular disease, dementia, Alzheimer’s, respiratory illness, kidney disease, and other serious health problems. In fact, it is believed that gum disease can increase the risk of a heart attack by 28%.

Without proper intervention, your gums can lead to significant damage throughout your body. This is why it is necessary to make your dentist your ally in the fight to combat it.

Ways to Protect Your Soft Tissues for a Healthier Smile

If you want to take extra measures to better protect your gum health, there are a few things you can do, such as:

  • Maintain good oral hygiene by brushing your teeth twice a day for two minutes using fluoride toothpaste, floss between your teeth at least once a day, and using an ADA-approved mouthwash
  • Avoid brushing too hard and instead, use a soft-bristled toothbrush to prevent gum recession (a problem that can put you at greater risk for gum disease)
  • Limit your intake of sugars and starches, as they are known for causing tooth decay and gum disease
  • Continue to see your dentist every six months for regular checkups and cleanings

By taking proper care of your gum health, you’ll not only enjoy greater oral and overall health, but you’ll be pleased with your smile each time you look in the mirror.

About the Author
With more than 40 years of practicing dentistry, Dr. William Twohig has helped numerous patients achieve healthier, more beautiful smiles. Providing exceptional general, restorative, cosmetic, and emergency holistic dental care in Weyauwega, he believes in the many benefits regular dental checkups and cleanings can offer. If it’s been a while since your last checkup, and you want to ensure your gum health is in optimal condition, visit our website or call (920) 867-3101.

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