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You Should Quit Smoking When You Get Dentures – Here’s Why

December 16, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drtwohig @ 5:38 pm
person breaking cigarette in two

You’ve probably heard that smoking is bad for your teeth, but what about false teeth? As it turns out, tobacco can still be harmful even when all of your teeth have been replaced with dentures. Many people believe that once they have dentures, they are free from the oral health risks associated with smoking. However, that couldn’t be further from the truth. If you’re wondering how exactly smoking affects dentures, continue reading!

Smoking Accelerates Bone Loss

When natural teeth are missing, the supporting bone starts to deteriorate, altering the jaw’s shape and making it difficult to properly adjust dentures. While bone loss occurs in both smokers and non-smokers, smokers experience it at an accelerated rate. As such, smokers may find themselves needing to replace their dentures more often than non-smokers.

Smoking Can Make Dentures Uncomfortable

Smoking contributes to inflammation throughout the mouth, causing soft tissues to become sensitive, swollen, and achy. Even well-fitted dentures can be hard to wear on inflamed gums. If you do manage to wear your dentures, the discomfort may affect your ability to speak and eat comfortably.

Smoking Causes Stains Dentures

The base of dentures is typically made of acrylic, and the teeth can be either acrylic or porcelain. While porcelain is more resistant to discoloration than acrylic, both materials can develop stains over time. Smokers are particularly prone to this issue, as the ingredients in cigarette smoke can make your teeth lose their natural beauty much earlier than they would’ve.

Smoking Increases Odors

The scent of cigarette smoke invades the pores of dentures, resulting in an unpleasant odor and taste. Despite thorough denture hygiene, smokers may struggle with persistent bad breath, adversely affecting their overall oral hygiene.

How Do You Quit Smoking?

Quitting smoking can significantly improve your overall wellness, oral health, and the longevity of your dentures. Although kicking the habit may seem like a daunting task, there are practical tips to help you succeed:

  • Consult Your Physician – Seek advice or prescription medications from your primary care physician to facilitate the process of quitting.
  • Gradual Reduction – Instead of going cold turkey, consider gradually reducing the number of cigarettes you smoke each day. This approach is not only more manageable but also safer in some cases.
  • Persistence is Key – Quitting smoking is often a process rather than an immediate success. Most successful quitters don’t succeed on their first attempt, so persevere, and your efforts will eventually pay off.

Even after the loss of natural teeth, smoking remains detrimental to your oral health. Quitting this habit is not only in your best interests, but also crucial for the well-being and longevity of your dentures. The sooner you take the steps to quit smoking, the better it will be for your smile and overall health!

About the Author

Dr. William Twohig is a dedicated professional with a passion for helping patients achieve their best oral health. If you’re ready to say goodbye to the gaps in your smile and enhance your overall quality of life, don’t hesitate to contact us for an appointment. We’ll do everything we can to help you quit smoking and maintain a healthy grin. Schedule your visit today by visiting our website or call (534) 429-5965.

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