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The Importance of Soaking Your Dentures Overnight

January 11, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drtwohig @ 4:32 pm
dentures soaking in cup overnight

Addressing severe tooth loss with dentures can offer years of functionality, but their lifespan relies heavily on proper care. While wearing dentures may seem straightforward, it’s essential to incorporate a nightly soaking routine for optimal oral health. Read on to learn a few reasons why soaking dentures before bed (when they’re not in use) is crucial for maintaining their quality and your overall well-being!

Unclog Pores in Denture Acrylic

Despite their appearance as solid prosthetics, dentures are surprisingly porous. The pink acrylic portion contains numerous tiny pores where oral bacteria can accumulate. Regular soaking is a powerful method to prevent the unchecked growth of bacteria, complementing the cleaning process with dedicated oral rinses and denture-safe brushes. This becomes especially crucial with age, as reduced saliva production can make bacteria spread far more quickly. Nightly soaking helps in managing bacteria effectively, promoting a healthier oral environment.

Give Your Gums a Much-Needed Rest

While getting used to wearing dentures for extended periods, it’s important to acknowledge that gums also require rest. The natural support of teeth by the jawbone exposes the gums to significant stress throughout the day. Neglecting to provide them with a break, especially during sleep, increases the risk of developing painful oral sores. Persistent tenderness is a clear indicator that adjustments, repairs, replacements, or transitioning to implant dentures may be necessary for improved comfort.

Prevent Dentures from Drying Out

Even when not worn during sleep, exposing dentures to air can lead to negative consequences. For instance, prolonged exposure causes them to lose shape, resulting in discomfort. Additionally, dry dentures are prone to cracking, which means costly repairs and potentially shortening their lifespan. Regular soaking prevents dentures from drying out, preserving their integrity and ensuring continued comfort during use.

Incorporating a nightly soaking routine for your dentures is not just a means of maintenance – it’s an important aspect of overall oral health. Beyond preventing bacterial growth, it gives your gums much-needed rest and protects against the detrimental effects of dryness. If you ever feel your dentures are not fitting properly, don’t hesitate to consult with a dentist to promptly address any issues.

About the Author

Dr. Twohig fabricates dentures that prioritize comfort, longevity, and a natural appearance. Apart from offering partial and full dentures, he can also provide implant dentures. With this modern tooth-replacement solution, you can enjoy a durable and fully functioning grin once again. If you’d like to schedule a consultation, visit his website or call (920) 867-3101.

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